As truth is revealed, our reality cannot be hidden

This is what the spirit spoke to me around midnight last night. I googled it this morning. I just wanted to see if this statement was out there floating around somewhere. It wasn’t. So I am excited about what the spirit will have me share with you. So I began to type and let God lead me to write what He desires to share with you.

Yes, right now.

As truth is revealed our reality cannot be hidden. That is something to think about. Truth can be found in God’s word, but we don’t fully come to understand this fact until we began to read His word. Most of our lives, our emotions, interests, decisions, goals, and aspirations have often been influenced by others, popular fades; the news and what we thought were our needs.

I am so thankful for the word of God because it is “a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” I had a lot of plans and they often failed or ended in some disappointment. The word revealed, in Proverbs 16:25 that “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Now I am going to tell you, “the ways of death,” are where you lose hope, self-esteem, courage, become defeated, weak, and lack motivation. It’s a way to get you to shut down from life and everyone in it, death puts you far away from life and the further you are away from life, truth, strength, encouragement of friends, confidence, courage, commitment, dedications and love, you will die.

I praise God for Jesus being the way, truth, and life. I thank Him for accidental encounters with truth and faith the size of a mustard seed. In God’s truth, the revelation of our reality becomes obvious. The more truth we experience, the greater our understanding of our reality and the more we understand and can believe Jeremiah 29:11 (Go read it).

It is not until we intentionally began to apply the word of God into our lives that we realized that we were in the dark, yikes! I am reminded of the moment when I realized that I lived my life before Christ with a blindfold on and I was being lead by all that I thought was right. Ouch! So many bumps and bruises! I now understand why, thanks to Proverbs 19:21, it says “There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD that shall stand.”

I encourage you to let the Lord counsel you. He will tell you the truth, nothing but the truth, because He is the truth.

Believe, Love, & Obey God



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