Just write it


We love you and we thank you for loving us unconditionally. Your love encourages us to continue to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. You are sweet in how you magnify yourself in the sour areas of our life. You fortify us with your mercy, grace, and love. You are to be reverenced above all things that we consider important in our lives, for without you, we are nothing. You Lord are holy, and worthy to be blessed all the days of our life. You are Jehovah Nissi our banner as we find ourselves in contest with temporary things that try to consume our time, energy, and strength. Because of your presence, we are victorious and you are able to demonstrate yourself mightily in battle.

Oh how we love you, may we always show this in our words, acts, and deeds. Let us not give the enemy an opportunity to blaspheme the name of our God. Make us careful Lord of our actions. For you are worthy of glory, and honor only - from creation. God you are magnificent and your beauty radiates throughout the earth. With Your words you created great and purposeful things, let us realize our greatness and purpose even when things are not going accordingly. We thank you for the lessons that are to be learned. May our spirits always be teacheable. We love you Lord. You are gentle and loving in your correction of us, and we are so thankful. Heaven on earth is what we desire, give us strategy Lord to cause it to be so, may we be willing and obedient so that we may eat the good of the land Lord.

Thank you for the gentle breeze of your presence today, as we inhale and exhale, let us be thankful for the breadth of life that you have extended to us. We thank you for strength when we feel weak, we thank you for assurance when we lack hope, we thank you for peace when it seemed that we couldn’t find it, we thank you for love when we feel unworthy, and we thank you for your presence when we feel alone. We thank you for being the one and only true and living God.

Believe, Love, Obey God



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