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We serve such an excellent God! No matter what we face today, He is still able to deliver. The very fact that God gave Jesus a name above every name is encouraging enough to generate strength in a situation where we may feel totally and absolutely powerless...and truly in our own strength we are, but with Christ ALL things are possible. I sense that we all need to be encouraged in our lives right now. We may be trying to do all things alone, when God wants us to give Him full control of our lives. He desires for US to surrender all but He has also given us free will. So it really is a matter of choice. He is El Shaddai, The God who is more than enough. Isn't it wonderful that God can be ALL that we need Him to be so that we can be all that He intended us to be? He is so wonderful that, as we find ourselves in a tight situation, He can change not only the situation we are in BUT us too while we are in the situation, and all at the same time. That is powerful, just think about it for a minute, reread it if you didn't get that. Not only this, but His ability to deliver us out of those hard situations is mutually beneficial, He gets ALL the glory, and we get a greater understanding and motivation to give Him more glory! I love Him. He is worthy of the glory, praise, and honor! Have you ever read 2 Corinthians 4: 8-9? If not, read it now. Then come back and finish reading this. Beloved, no matter what you face today, no matter how hard it looks to the natural eye, know that God is true to His word, we must be true to our part. He is able to do great and powerful things. Believe that He is a rewarder to those that diligently seek Him. When you seek Him, you shall find Him. Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Have you invited Him into your situation? That's where you begin to experience the totality of God's ability to deliver you. Let us consider and take a hard look at the amount of time, energy, and attention that we are giving to our situation. Might it be possible, that if we redirect this same time, energy, and attention to prayer, strengthening our faith, fasting, praise, meditation, and worship of God, that we might get a much better eternal and beneficial return from the God's account of blessings? I'm just saying. I am talking to you, and me. If you think about it, the longer we allow fear, stress, anxiety, doubt, lack of prayer etc, to exist within our temples, the stronger these deceptive feelings will try to grow, it will suck the very life out of us if we don't take a stand. It is time to demonstrate fruit of the spirit in whatever we face. We don't have to look like what we are going through. We are children of the MOST HIGH GOD. We are royalty, and the last time I checked, I didn't see any royals looking defeated. The wealth of promises, deliverance, wholeness, good health, strength, motivation, hope, trust, victory, success, peace, purpose, and promotion lies within the chambers of God's heart, our receiving Him as Lord, obedience to His word, living and depending on the truth of His word are all keys to receiving access.. Unlock God's heart with the keys that have been given to you. Be free in Jesus, He came so that we could be free, recognize our freedom, and walk in our freedom. God chose to make us free, and so we are. Its not an unreal statement. God did it. No matter how big the situation is, consider David, had he looked at Goliath's natural qualities, he could have become frightened, intimidated (as some were), and missed the very opportunity to give God glory. But his courage was built up in what He knew and had experienced by spending intimate time with the Lord. When is the last time you did this, instead of looking at the giant, keep your eyes lifted to the hills from where your help comes from and just aim at your situation using the strategy that God gives you. We have authority, power, hope, an advocate in Jesus. Trust Him to lead you out, and He will.
Believe, Love, Obey God
Believe, Love, Obey God
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