The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof…

If we, being formed from the dust of the earth have the responsibility to portray the image and likeness of God, how do we develop such ability?

It is said, that man should not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. This is how we do it…this is how…we become transformed and renewed into the image of our God who loves and cares for us.

Our living and being in this earth is not to be lived carelessly or encouraged by the actions and words of the world. A world that is often inconsiderate and fails to acknowledge its creator, a world that is lead by the desires of the flesh, and instant gratification. The world is unable to serve as an underpinning when the ground seems to slide from up under the foot of those committed to it. God is a solid rock.

If we are compelled to be like Jesus, we can not continue to shun the revelation of the change that God designed for us to conform to. Its for His glory and so that we can experience a greater and more fuller life here on this earth.

The fullness of our very existence is to be nurtured by the word of God; it is life-giving, reconciling, powerful, strengthening, joy filled and heaven sent. God’s will is designed to embrace and impact this world in such a way that all men will be drawn unto Him. He desires to use those who say they love Him to be salt and light to the world that can often be tasteless and dark.

We are the earth. We…who exist in this body of clay, belong to the Lord, our heart, mind and soul were created to respond to His words and produce fruit that would draw men unto Him.

Opportunities to proclaim His goodness, love, and mercy, are present as never before. The fullness of all we do, think, and speak are to be indications that His spirit lives, reigns, and rules within our mortal bodies.

The earth is the Lord’s, yes, it is true.

When tears are no longer considered important and the sound of cries from those in need are ignored, voids develop. Hopelessness is born, and rejection nurtures her. The promises of God must be spoken to those in these type situations and believe that what they feel, see, and think is all there is to this life. The fullness of God’s mercy must be shared by pouring his words down into the voids that have been created by wrong thinking, beliefs, and feelings. He fills voids.

God is love, and His love is able to free those who feel unlovable. He is able to recover the minds of those who, for one reason or another have been blindfolded by defeat and left for dead. He is able to give and extend life, usher in new seasons and send rain to encourage production of all that He intended to spring forth through lives, so that each and every life will show forth His glory in the earth, and so that the fullness of his love might be experienced by those who yield their wills to radiate His glory.

The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof; let's display it by yielding our life to him more and more each and everyday. Believe, Love, & Obey God.



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