Making something out of nothing
Ever tried to make something out of nothing? It is one of the most draining activities ever. Here we are, with what we feel are the proper utensils, stirring and shaking an empty bowl that contains nothing of substance to make something, yet. All of that energy exerted only to experience tiredness, frustration, and disappointment. Convinced that something was sure to come from our efforts, we look only to find an empty bowl, unfilled, lacking in substance, and void of promise. Time spent and gone…
It is vital that when we put our hands to do something for God, that we gather not only our utensils but seek directions on which ingredients are needed to make something manifest.
Wanting to be consistent in my blogging, I planned to write what I was thinking several times on Wednesday, but there was something missing…directions. I had some ideas about what to write (stir and shake), but nothing would come out when I picked up my utensil, my computer (empty bowl). Throughout the day, I continued examining and clearing my spiritual and natural house of useless things, and I must admit that I feel quite light and available to hear what God desires me to share.
No matter what we think to do, it is good to make sure that God’s blessing is on it, first.
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Responding out of self is far less beneficial in comparison to the benefits obtained when we respond based on the leading of the Holy Spirit. There have been countless times when I tried to do things in my own strength. The returns were so insignificant and brought little to no glory to God. God’s approval of our actions is needed to get something of value, to spend eternity with Him.
Everyday we are presented opportunities to do something, they may seem important, but are they? Do they glorify God? Will they compel men and women to be drawn unto God? Do they change lives for the better? If our responses to these opportunities don’t glorify God, what are they worth? Nothing.
Our bowls will yield nothing until we put something in it…God.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Father God, help us to always be mindful to seek you first before we respond to the opportunities and decisions that we are faced with so that we will always make the choice that brings all glory to you. Amen
Believe, Love, & Obey God
It is vital that when we put our hands to do something for God, that we gather not only our utensils but seek directions on which ingredients are needed to make something manifest.
Wanting to be consistent in my blogging, I planned to write what I was thinking several times on Wednesday, but there was something missing…directions. I had some ideas about what to write (stir and shake), but nothing would come out when I picked up my utensil, my computer (empty bowl). Throughout the day, I continued examining and clearing my spiritual and natural house of useless things, and I must admit that I feel quite light and available to hear what God desires me to share.
No matter what we think to do, it is good to make sure that God’s blessing is on it, first.
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad (2 Corinthians 5:10).
Responding out of self is far less beneficial in comparison to the benefits obtained when we respond based on the leading of the Holy Spirit. There have been countless times when I tried to do things in my own strength. The returns were so insignificant and brought little to no glory to God. God’s approval of our actions is needed to get something of value, to spend eternity with Him.
Everyday we are presented opportunities to do something, they may seem important, but are they? Do they glorify God? Will they compel men and women to be drawn unto God? Do they change lives for the better? If our responses to these opportunities don’t glorify God, what are they worth? Nothing.
Our bowls will yield nothing until we put something in it…God.
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Father God, help us to always be mindful to seek you first before we respond to the opportunities and decisions that we are faced with so that we will always make the choice that brings all glory to you. Amen
Believe, Love, & Obey God
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