Starry Eyed…

“The glory of the stars is the beauty of heaven; a glittering array in the heights of the Lord (Ecclesiates 43:9).”

Look up, at first glance there is so much night, but peering back at us are a wealth of elegantly designed flashes of light and matter adding a complementary perspective to our view. Our eyes witness the beauty of the stars making us... Starry Eyed.

Like the night sky, no matter how dim, dark, or void a situation may look, there is always an opportunity for star light to prevail. God did not leave the expanse of sky empty while creating glorious things. Once He spoke something into existence, it was good. He took time with each aspect of life.

Capturing the essence of a star filled view is breathtaking and refreshing. Although out of our natural reach, the stars tell a story that encourage hope, and prompts the onlooker to change his view of life and puts them face to face with the possibility and reality of beauty that can exists when one yields obediently to the Word of God.

No matter what season we find ourselves in, God’s word is a “lamp unto our path and a light unto our feet.” The stars never cease to exist regardless of the season. So look up and be convince that, just as God made stars for a purpose, He made us for one too. We are to be salt and light to the world.

As seasons change so do the moods of people. When we play the star, we expose others to light and help shine light so that they will be exposed to a captivating perspective.

Like stars we are placed in various locations throughout the earth, to shine brightly and lead others to believe that there is always hope.

You are a star, yes that is what you are so, "let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven."

Look up, look out and make someone else...Starry Eyed.

Father God, help us to be a light to others. Amen.

Believe, Love & Obey God



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