The Fight...

The irony of this post is that I am in a fight, so sleepy but I must withstand to type this post now. It’s spirit against flesh.

Matthew 26:41 “….the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”

Ladies and Gentleman, let’s get ready to….well you know the rest.

In this corner we have the heavy weight champion of eternity- The Spirit and in this corner the heavy weight champion of temporary – The flesh. Both parties know their roles in this fight for YOUR life. They are familiar with one another’s fighting techniques and will play by rules that work to their advantage to rule over you.

Each of the fighters rise up as you show signs of being alert.

As soon as you woke, you opened your email instead of prayed or read the bible, O! right jab to the jaw of the spirit from the flesh.

Announcer: Oh they should have picked up that bible and made that upper cut.

Get ready for work, leave the house, ignoring your neighbor outside because you don’t want to speak, another right jab to the spirit.

Announcer: I tell you, this isn’t looking too good.

In the car speeding down the road thinking about stopping at the coffee shop, left hook to the spirit.

Announcer: How much longer do we have to watch this go on? I can’t look (covers eyes).

Arriving at the destination and see someone with a flat tire, walk over to ask if they need help, jab to the belly of the flesh.

Announcer: Wowsers! That looked like it really hurt! Flesh is doubled over.

Flat tire fix, thank you exchanged. Turn to see a pretty yellow butterfly fluttering by, responding, thank you God for the beauty of your creation, uppercut to the flesh.

Announcer: Flesh hasn’t quite recovered from that jab and opened itself up for that uppercut to the chin! Looks like things might be turning around for The Spirit.

Fighters return to their corners… Spirit giving flesh a look over and declares, I can do this because “All power in heaven and earth is given unto me.”

Trainers, The Father, The Son cheer the spirit on as He rises up in your life and offers a combination to the face of flesh. Flesh goes down and the referee begins to count 1, 2, 3, 4…..10. The flesh is out cold today.

Ladies and Gentleman, introducing today’s winner, the heavy weight champion of eternity – The Spirit!

Daily, the winner of the fight for our life will always be determined by our actions. It’s an everyday battle. Who will win today?

Now that you see I finished this post, I am happy to report the Spirit won!

Galatians 5:16 But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:24 And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Believing, Loving, & Obeying God



  1. So real, Tanika! Checked my BB IM in the middle of prayer this morning....and was definitely convicted. Going to keep looking for ways to defeat the flesh today :)

  2. Hey Glorygirl, I understand, believe me. The key is to acknowledge that yes, sometimes we do give the flesh the advantage but making a conscious decision to change is necessary. The more we grow spiritually, the closer we feel to God and all areas of our lives will come into alignment with His will.


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