Got GAS?

Most of us know that the price of gas has grown very expensive over the last few years. We sometimes cringe when we arrive at the gas station and find that the price per gallon has soared a few cents. Amazing how this makes us feel isn't it. We feel the effects of this in our bank accounts, lives, penny banks, emotions, pockets and purses. As much as this hurts or rubs us the wrong way, we know that, we have to pay the price if we want to get to where we are going.

If I may, I want to share that the anointing is like this, we have to pay a price for it. It doesn't always feel good to see and go through some of the things that we do, but it is worth it because truly we need the anointing to deal with and face the situations of life and to serve the Body of Christ. In our own strength we can do nothing.

Now back to the price of gas. Because gas is so high, we have to use wisdom and make hard choices as to whether to go a particular place or not. We can't be out joy riding, sight-seeing or crusing, although those things may be entertaining, it wastes gas and before we know it, we are face to face with the gas pump again and it sits and smiles at us as we have to refuel for the second time in two days. We find that our finances decrease and we are unable to do some of the other things that we need to do, we come up short and this does not feel good at all. It creates issues in other areas of our lives. When we look back, we may say "I should not have gone to such-n-such place or what have you." We pay the price for wrong decisions out of our pocket.

The anointing in our lives is like gas in a car. It helps us function and arrive at the places we need to go. We must be wise in how we use it. We should not abuse it, we should not give it away foolishly or "cast our pearls to the swine," we can't spend our time in wrong places, pursuing wrong things, or doing wrong things because we deplete our resource and we become slowed, stalled, and unproductive vessels. We must be careful about what we give our time and attention to. We must be careful about what we allow in our systems. We must avoid trash. Have you ever heard someone say, "there is trash in my tank?" My Grandfather is a mechanic and I have often heard this, it means there are elements in the gas tank that hinder the car from running properly and the car chokes and sputters as it runs. When the car is not running smooth, you feel bumps and hear all types of noises coming from the engine. We have to avoid this. We must not listen to, recieve or entertain every little 'thing' that is bought to our attention, we must be sure to secure our gas caps (our hearts, minds and souls), so that our fumes will not be let out prematurely, because it will cut down on the number of miles we can go.

We have to make wise decisions and not abuse the anointing in our lives. We must care for it and use it effectively. It costs us something but it cost even the more when we don't protect it. We find ourselves depleted, tired, unproductive, sitting still, rusting, drained, having to start over and all the other things that you can think of. Let's be careful. The gas pump represents those things that we are continually revisiting that take our strength, the better part of us and they set us back. We should only be going to refuel ourselves with the Word of God. Job 17:9 says "The righteous also shall hold to his way, and he that has clean hands shall be stronger and stronger." We must hold to our way and keep our hands clean. This costs us time only. God is the source of our strength and a very present help in the time of trouble. We have to put our time, trust, and attention in Him. We must acknowledge Him in all of our ways and He will direct our paths.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. Don't be sifering gas out of other people's car either, get your own. What if you find they have trash in their tank? Don't try to be anointed by association. Get your own. What happens when we become disassocated from them? (I am not fussing, but speaking in love only) It's there for you, but it is going to cost you something. A bit of your time and willingness. Only what we do for Christ will last. Everything else is temporary and does not satisy us. But God can fill us to the point of overflow if we let Him. He will delight Himself in us if we delight ourselves in HIm. Will you?

Believe, Love & Obey God



  1. A few very good points for thought. In SA they pay around R10.77 per liter of gas. One tank of gas can be equivalent to half a month of groceries for one person. The higher the cost the more crucial it is to do it right.

    1. Hi CreativeLee! Thanks for sharing this information. I read one of your post. Really enjoyed how you encourage readers to look at details intimately.

    2. Thank you, Tanika. When we are a blessing it blesses us even more in return :) Don't you just love seeing God's Word in motion? :)


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