Intensified Praise...

This is a short post. I wanted to share something with you. Yes you. During Praise & Worship on Sunday I was listening to the intensity of the music that flowed from the instruments being played by God's Minstrels. The sound was pure, beautiful and unrestricted. The sounds were so beautiful that I know God was present in that place in that moment. As a result of being in God's presence, my soul praise shifted to a more intimate & intense praise with a greater expectancy and openness to receive all that God had for me. Yes, it was an expectancy of self and an expectancy of God. I knew that God was actively demonstrating the scripture that says "God inhabits the praise of His people." It was at a deeper level that I came to realize and see that God really does do this. In this moment, I began to realize that yes really God's presence commands all areas of my life to come under His authority. Darkness cannot exist in light. Release. I once blogged about Paul and Silas and how they praised God while they were in prison and at midnight their chains were loosed because of their praise, they didn't focus on the situation rather released their focus to God. I want to tell someone that you don't always have to wait until midnight to begin your praise, you can do it wherever and whenever. There is something about releasing the sound of praise that changes the atmosphere. There is something awesome and wonderful about the impact that praising God can make on any situation that you face. I know God is able to be a healer, a deliverer, a restorer, a revealer and a refresher...Yes that is what He did for me. He refreshed me, sometimes life can take a toll on you. Sometimes you got to press with everything in you to release so that praise will flow out of your tired spirit and into the atmosphere where God will show up and work everything out. He will show up in us and in the external environment in which we find ourselves and He will dwell there. When God comes on the scene, things have to change and you have to change. We know that God rules where He is, so whatever you have to do, intensify your praise so that God can work in you and your situation. He will do it today, just purpose in your heart, mind and soul that you are going to intensify your praise and watch God turn that situation around.

Believe, Love & Obey God



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