Whites only...

When God has called you to do something, He surely has fabulous ways of making sure that you do it. I am thankful for the graceful and merciful ways He got me to come here to post tonight. It could have been another way. I am so thankful for unexpected blessings, like the Liebster Award, given to me by my blog friend Glorygirl. Glorygirl is unfailing in sending an encouraging and supportive comment just when I need a little push to my keyboard. I often wonder about the number of folks reading my blog, but I know truly and sincerely that it isn't about the numbers. If God gives me something to write there is a strong possibility that it may be just for one heart, one life or one soul. I am ok with that. So thank you Glorygirl for your gift to me. If you haven't read Glorygirl's blog check it out (http://hisglorygirl.blogspot.com/).

Words are so powerful and can motivate you to do what you are supposed to do. I had a friend to view my blog after I acknowledged Glorygirl's gift to me on my facebook page. The compliments about my writings were good but there was one thing mentioned that moved me to this moment, "I see you haven't written anything for February." Hmmmmm...

Each week, I meet a laundry hamper on my way down the hallway. Who knew that laundry could pile so high, so quickly!? I must admit to you that, laundry is not one of my favorite household chores, however, it must be done. The separating of the colored clothes from the whites can be an interesting chore. I have been washing clothes a long time but sometimes, I still have to think a second or two about whether some lighter colors are safe to wash with my whites...Most of the time, I am correct in my decision and I am later relieved that my whites were not ruined by my guesstimations (is that a word???).

Did you know that God is an expert washer? He knows how to separate righteousness (white and holy) and unrighteous (dark and sinful) garments from one another. When He meets us down the hallway of our lives He expertly pours us out of the hamper (that old wine skin) and begins the process of separating all the garments that have been tossed therein, He is immediate and instantaneous in His decision to place the garments in their appropriate piles.

I believe that He likes white whites. He knows how to remove the dark garments so far away from us that they don't have a chance to be mixed in with the whites. How many times has a dark colored sock ended up in our whites? That surely isn't a happy moment is it? I can recall a couple of times when my entire load of whites came out pink, unfit to be worn ever again, ask me how I know? I tried washing them over again but to no avail was I able to restore these pieces to their orginal color...so sad. But we on the other hand, have a greater chance of experiencing the outcome that God has planned for our lives when we let Him sort out our lives. While He does this, we must not try to pull unrighteous pieces into the washer with us while God is processing us, restoring us, revitalizing us, being merciful towards us, making us or washing us from all the impurities that life has tried to stick on us or that we ourselves have invited into our lives....ouch!

I am thankful for His formula, He is the only one that can do what He does with the level of perfection that He does. He doesn't have to use chlorox, although I am thankful for Him giving the idea for the formula to the responsible parties, I know that as much success that this product has had in keeping our natural clothing white, it can do nothing for our spiritual garments. Please don't try to ingest it either, I stuck my tongue in a clorox lid when I was a child and it was terrible (sorry Ma I never told you that). So only God can wash our spiritual lives white, yes, He knows how to turn the cycle so that our lives are washed in the water of His word effectively. He knows what temperature to use, when to slow down the spin cyle and the rinse cycle.

It is my belief that He is able to make our lives so clean and white, that we don't even think about what happened to the dark clothes (the sin) that we once willingly wore. He removes those things so far as the east is from the west. We come to know and learn that mixing our holy lives with those sinful garments will and would only ruin our righteous garments, it will ruin them so much so that they become unfit to wear. Because of darkened garments we become unable to display the glory of God that we have all been called to reflect in our lives. We have to do better, we must yield and let go of some things, this is the truth.

We say we want our Robes and our Crowns, yes, we get a crown too, but what are we willing to let go of today to obtain it? Wash us Lord, set the temperature as you so desire, help us to know that this process is necessary for our lives. Let us not ruin our lives by continually mixing with the wrong things, no matter how innocent it may seem, help us to acknowledge you in all of ways so that YOU may direct our paths, the truth is that we can all do better, we must seek God's reality for our lives so that we are able to flow in righteous garments, haven't you seen beautiful garments flowing freely? They just flow with a spiritual like flow, nothing is holding the flow back, no stain, no stiffness, no rips, no tears, no nothing, the garment just is as it was designed to be. Oh my goodness, I love God, I love how He so easily communicates truths to us with simple things, He is not complex but desires for us to be complete in Him. Help us Lord, Help me Lord to live a holy and pure life, Help us to glorify you in all that we do, Help us Lord to wear garments that attract attention of others so that they will desire to know, who is the designer of your dress and we can cry aloud and spare not and say it is Jesus! It is the Almighty God! It is the Great I AM! Lord you know. You are the Creator of all things, you are the giver of all that is good and all that is perfect. We love you!

We want to be free clean and clear, fit to be used for your glory God. Help us, wash us, make us, lead us in the path that you would have us to go. Help us to reject the knock off labels, the reject labels God, the cheap labels and even the homemade labels God. Let us not try to present an image that is not you Lord, let us showcase and model the garments that give you glory and give you honor God. Wash us Lord, while we wait Lord, we will even make the work easier by willingly separating ourselves, coming out from among those things that be not of you O'God. We love you. Pour out your spirit upon us God. We love you, we thank you! We bless you! We adore you! Hallelujah!

Believe, Love & Obey God


  1. Tanika...thank you, once again, speaking truth. Your encouragement today helps me to understand why a particular door was shut for me lately. Keeping the whites, white....even when they didn't look that dark to me. Father always knows best :)

  2. God also often speak to me in "parables" - I have never thought of laundry in this way :)


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