2014 is made for ME

Returning to blogging is a MUST.

Life can be overwhelming when the brake is not applied. Before you know it, you are speeding down hills, swerving uncontrollably around curves, riding into territories seeing and experiencing everything, except that in which you are supposed to.

Nothing we do is supposed to be done in our own strength. In our strength, we grow weary, we become off balanced, we lack focus, and we miss reaching the goals that serve as the gateway to our intended destination.

Success will wait for you; however, there must be an intentional steering of your life in the direction of success. When in motion, note that some roads are designed to carry only what is necessary and will require a dumping of excess weight. The challenge of purging and simplifying is like an unfilled pothole, it will continue to do damage until it is filled in by determination.

The driving course into the NEW YEAR 2014 require that loose ends be tied up, excess spiritual, emotional, mental baggage not be claimed, centers be found, postures are upright, thoughts clear, residue of old hindrances eliminated, shoulders back, confidence high, fear dismantled, energy levels balanced, every open portal sealed (to prevent drainage of resources), God-given reality accepted (you are fearfully and wonderfully made), positive outlook affirmed, weapon of love on targets, books be written, visions for businesses become reality and resurrected, children are protected, and endowed with healthy mindsets, evil will be overcome with good, life spoken to those who are dying spiritually, materialism will not be preferred over spiritual wellness, being rooted and grounded on a sure foundation will be a priority, no unnecessary traveling in circles or seeking man's approval to build self-esteem, no covetousness, boldness will be demonstrated when things seem hard or as if they can't be conquered (David conquered Goliath, he did this in God's strength, not his own), just be who you are in 2014.

Build a positive network of friends who will support your values not those things that try to devalue you. What you will find is life is meant to be explored with hope, even in those moments that challenge you. There is more for your life. Acquiring the more will require you be in a right standing position not hiding behind the web woven by indecision, fear, procrastination, or waiting for someone else to do it for you. You are better than where you are.

Blogging is a must for ME in 2014. Just one of many ME things to do in 2014.

I pray that you will begin to prepare for the new NOW. Do not wait until the last minute. It is ok to apply the brake in order to re-adjust the settings of your life, refocus, and think so that you can stay of the right course.

Believe, Love & Obey God


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