Heart song...

Recently, and for several days, a song played in my spirit.  I am not sure if this has ever happened to you. The lyrics that I heard were, "when you walk into the room, everything changes."  I believe that during this time, I was being prepared for a shift, a change and a release of some issues within my soul.

In our humanness we will go through trials in life (James 1:2), some of them are uncomfortable, some of them we invited in, some unexpected and some we allowed- because they satisfied some void we knew, no other way to fill.  We do not want to go through the hard things, like willingly removing ourselves from certain situations, standing our ground, not speaking up for ourselves, or being comfortable when our values differ from the majority.  So we embrace and conform to them, yes - we do.

We want what we want and we want it without the struggle.  We want things to come easy and with no requirements of us.  We can get so inundated with this that our thoughts are set solely on, our wants.  What about what God wants? How do we learn what He wants for us?  Are we lending time and space to hear God and to acknowledge His will to enter in to rule and reign in all areas of our lives (Psalm 37:3-4)?

For a span of days, this song continued to play in my spirit, I found myself waiting for God, to walk into the room.  When He did, everything changed.  It was in this moment, that I realized how caught up, I had become in selfishness.  My desires and self interest were so great, that they were drowning out the voice of God and blocking His entry into some areas of my life.  I am not the only one that this has and is happening to.

Do you know how important repentance is? Oh my goodness.  It is so important to the tidiness of our lives.  When we go outdoors, whether we realize it or not, our bodies are exposed to particles in the air, those particles attach to us and by the end of the day, we need to bathe, we need to cleanse our bodies with water, so that we can be clean and not polluted.  Spiritual cleansing is just as important, whether intentional or not, we encounter a lot of 'stuff' during the day - social media feeds, interactions with people, thoughts, disappointments, challenges, a variety of feelings and emotions, that do not always serve us well.  This may not be for everyone.  We have to guard our spirits (1 John 1:9), protect the greatness that God has packaged within us, and be honest about areas where we feel weak and are in need of fortification.

When God walks in to the room, everything will change, but we must first invite Him in (Revelation 3:20).



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