Today, God shredded "my" life.
Today, my life changed forever. I heard words from a person who, totally and without compromised demonstrated what it means to embrace your life, without compromise or care of what 'society' deems appropriate and FREEDOM, not that fake freedom either. This person is successful but also acknowledges their humanness and need for rest. We need to rest, God rested, why do we think we do not need to?
The method that God used, to shred me, was completely out of the box and my soul, spirit and mind had no other choice but to purge and receive the truth and power of the words that were being spoken through this individual. In this moment, all I could do was listen and allow my life to align to what I was hearing.
Here is a person, whose outer appearance could provoke a number of responses and unless you intentionally tuned in to what was being shared, you could very easily miss the transformation that God was instituted. Oh my God. Today, I abandoned my cares of what other people think/thought. I no longer feel compelled to seek the approval of man, rather embrace the truth of who God has revealed to me, that I should be. Oh my God...There are treasures within each of us and we must become fully aware of them, own them and share them with the world. As my friend shared today what she heard (during a conversation with someone), there is a 'nation' that is and will be attentive to all that you are to infuse within them.
I have experienced a deluge of revelation and understanding about this life that we live, it is time, to be ok with being you and being ok with others not accepting you. It is time to live a life of truth. My truth is, Jesus LOVES me, this I KNOW, the bible tells me so.
I am no longer going to withhold the truth when I am to share it with you, for the benefit of your comfort. I am not comfortable allowing those with whom I love or come in contact with to remain in the state that they are in, I know that once you leave my presence, you ARE supposed to leave it better than when you came. I will not force anything upon you but will willingly share, as long as you are willing to receive. If I do not have anything for you, you will know this and we will move forward with our lives.
God not only tore up my life today, He shredded the behaviors and habits that have, at times, caused me to be inconsistent, afraid, unsure and procrastinate-tive (yes I made that up and it is ok).
Today, words changed my life, the main thing I want you to take away from this is, it's time to be you. It's time for you and I to do what God has called us to do. I can not explain fully the impact or the magnitude of what just happen, through words, but by living my life, activated by the fuel obtained from this exchange. Be you! Be true.
There were a number of things that happened today and at this very moment, I know that each was a revelatory moment, orchestrated by God himself. Oh my goodness. May we all find ourselves where we are supposed to be.
Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
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