When words are being poured...drink
I can not really convey to you, as strongly as I feel, but simply put, it is time for us embrace the totality of who we are. Some are wasting time. With what, is specific to each person. I know that my words can be deep, they aren't the type of words that you should skim over, rather meditate on. Why do I say this? Because of the place from which they generate. It is not a surface level place. So, in order to understand and process them, you must be intentional about extracting the meaning from them as it relates to, YOUR life and not that of your neighbors.
This message is not to condemn but to convince and encourage you, to live your life. There are a number of voices speaking, the words are powerful and transforming. The words that are being spoken are active and flowing throughout the realm of earth, waiting to be captured by the wanting souls. Are you listening? What do you need? Where do you want to go? Do YOU believe that you are capable of xyz? Have you received the answer to the questions within your heart? Everything that you need for life, has been made available to you. God did not place us here on earth without the provision of the resources that we need to sustain our lives. Many have become blinded by the cares of this world which has resulted in some grey areas. God's plan is not for us to suffer, compete, experience constant hardship or to remain wounded by things of our past, but for us to heal, to be authentic and to forgive. Our lives are so precious and meant to be lived purposefully.
At some point in life, we have to jump start ourselves and not always be waiting for a jump. At some point we need to dry our eyes of the tears, so that we can see our own way, especially after we have been led astray. At some point we need to realize that the only way our children will make it successfully in this life is if we impart wisdom, knowledge and understanding within them, we must teach them how to fight, not physically, but through prayer and the Word of God, because life will happen to them and we must not leave them unprepared. At some point in life, we must learn that only what we do for Christ will last, it is not about going to the nicest restaurants, buying the most expensive clothes, shoes, cars or houses, but to build our inner-person, by fortifying it with the truth about life as spoken through the Word of God.
Be free. Free from -hurt, disappointment, the fine lines from the masks that are worn daily, the internal pain that comes from holding in sadness for extended periods of time, being constantly rejected by people or that of self rejection, the ugliness of life that appears throughout our society and world, people preying upon one another to satisfy their lusts and so many other issues.
I pray that we get it right and it will start with getting ourselves right. Everything in life is not pretty, but I am convince that beauty will surface once we begin to come in alignment with truth. I can sense that there are SO many suffering in silence. We smile to hide the sadness inside. We dress up to hide the bruises of our soul. We laugh to keep from crying. We suffer so much. Help us God. Help us God to seek you as never before. Heal our soul. Heal our land. Heal our inability to believe when you tell us over and over again that you are with us and that you will never forsake us. Heal our voices that crumble when we need to stand up and speak for ourselves. Heal the broken doors of our soul that swing upon the hinges that are now loose because of bad decisions, even those that came from previous generations, strengthen them Lord, repair them so that the doors are fastened closed and that the enemy can not enter in. Send your holy spirit to sweep the porches of our lives free of debris that make our spiritual homes look messy. I bless you Lord that we are a chosen generation. I pray that we get in place. That we are in place to soar like the eagle. I pray a spirit of awareness and productivity upon those who desire to hear and receive from you through these words in the name of Jesus.
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