Why I must get naked...

Genesis 1:31  And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.  And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

1 John 2:16 For all that is in the world - the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions - is not from the father but is from the world.

When  I was made, I was good.  I came into this world naked and had everything that I need, within me.  I grew up in the world and developed desires like, wanting to be accepted, acquiring material things, pining for things that weren't meant for me and compromising.  I compromised a lot.  This is when I begin to 'dress' myself and allow others to 'dress' me the way that THEY wanted.  What does this mean, I morphed into whomever I needed to be in an instant, especially if it meant making someone else happy.  Like a contortionist, I twisted and turned until the position I was in was satisfactory to the onlooker.  I hid my feelings and projected those that others, felt that I should display.  I wore a mask- after a while it became heavy.  I pretended to be confident only to find myself with feelings of emptiness once I was alone.  It's amazing, how we dress up for others.  Pretending that we have it all together, just so someone else can put their stamp of approval upon us.  BUT, did you know that the ink from that stamp is only temporary.  It evaporates after people exit your life and have used you to their satisfaction.  All of those flattering words, now nothing but dust on the trail serving as a reminder that they left fast.  This is ugly.  I am going to tell you the truth.  It is not good to look into the mirror only to see a person looking back at you, that you do not know.  Conformity....

I was at an event tonight and these words dropped into my spirit, why I must get naked.  I knew immediately that it would be one of those post that drew people in, because they would want to know why, I must get naked.  Let me tell you.  I must get naked because there are souls needing to hear truth, no sugar coating.  I must get naked because someone needs to hear my story, the mess and the message of victory that surfaced from it.  We have all been through enough in life and wear garments that aren't indicative of who we truly, this is a spiritual fashion faux pas.  I am royalty.  I must believe this and live my life accordingly.  No longer can I allow other people's desire for me or intentions for me, to rule me to a point that I lose sight of who God has called me to be.  The truth is, some things get old and I must discard them, not donate them, not sow them into the lives of others, but get rid of them absolutely.  Some of our behaviors are ugly.  Some of us short change ourselves because we want others to love us, even if they don't love all of us, we have resolved to be ok with this - this should not be.  YOU are worth being loved wholly and in a holy manner.  Some of us, need to forgive ourselves and take the grave clothes off and realize that they only serve to keep us bound and remind us of 'that incident' that occurred.  It happened, live through it.  Some of us need to peel off the accessories that were placed upon us by those who constantly teased, scorned and/or ridiculed us.  Some of us need to learn how to love ourselves first and receive God's love for us, lest we become totally dependent on the fake love others want to give us, just so that they can get what they want. Some of us need to stop settling for less that what we truly deserve by praying for the patience to wait. Some of us need to overcome ourselves and our love for material things because they will never satiate the inner longing and voids that have persisted with us for years now.  God is able to fill you and satisfy you with long life and give us love that penetrates the very fabric of our being.

You are a priceless garment.  You are made of quality fabric.  You are adorned with gifts and jewels give you by the King of Glory.  Anything else should be banned.  

Psalm 139:14 I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.  Wonderful are your works; my soul knows if very well.  We must get to the point where our soul knows, embraces and shows confidently that it understands that we are FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made, even if no one tells us, the WORD of GOD has proclaimed it.  This is a beautiful truth to walk in.  

Get free of the dress code that has been set by others around you and seek God, who is the tailor of your life.  He knows what garments fit you best.  



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