Overdue but on time...

So...I finally did it.  

I completed the book publishing process for my first book, When Nature Speaks:  A 30 Day Reflective Prophetic Journal.  The book will grace my life in less than a week!  I can't wait to receive it, smell it, and THANK GOD for it.

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever, 1 Chronicles 16:34 

It is amazing how much energy it takes to complete a necessary task in your life.  It is amazing how frequently interruptions will occur that (temporarily) prevent you from zeroing in on what you need to do.  It is amazing how many thoughts and ideas you amass on top of what has already established, what seems like, permanent residency on your to-do list.  It is amazing how motivation can get lost for high priority task and distributed to lower priority tasks.  It is amazing how much attention procrastination receives while our passions sit on the sideline getting no attention at all.  

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you, Proverbs 4:25

It is phenomenal, however, to have folks in your life, who are fully aware of what you are called to do.  It is phenomenal how those individuals will pray for you.  It is phenomenal how they will encourage you.  It is phenomenal how they will REMIND you.  It is phenomenal how they refuse to allow you to escape or run away from the assignment.  It is phenomenal how they celebrate you. It is phenomenal how what you are supposed to be doing becomes a rung on the ladder of life to encourage them to aim higher and vice versa.  It is phenomenal how selfless they become, in the midst of their personal life goals, they are willing to pause, expend and divide their energies to cheer you on. I love my support system, when one of us goes up, ALL OF US GO UP.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interest of others, Philippians 2:4

The writing of this book took place over the course of two years.  It is in a journal style format. The varied themed content is formatted with a scripture; a revelation gained while spending time in natural settings and high in the sky (gardens, islands, lakes, mountains, parks and in airplanes) and a question for the reader to self-reflect and experience revelation from God.

I will have copies of the book available for purchase and look forward to hearing about how it blessed your life.

What has God called you to do?  If you have not completed the assignment, do so.  Be mindful of distractions.  Set protected time for you to work on your tasks.  Pray and acknowledge the impact that procrastination has had on your life and ask God to free you from it.  Believe that He can and will.  There is greatness on the inside of you, let it come out.  The world needs to be positively impacted by the goodness that is on the inside of you.  You are loved.  You are valuable.  You are important.  You are fully capable of experiencing your dreams as a reality in your life.  You are blessed beyond measure and for a good reason.  You can impact the lives of people that you may never meet in person, go for it. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, Proverbs 3:5

Sweet Blessings & Glory to God!



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