Why do I/we do this?

Yesterday, I received the very first lines for a book that I am planning to write.  They were floating around in my head.  I kept doing what I was doing and did not pause to write the words down.  I thought to myself, "that's easy, I will remember that!" So many events occurred between my hearing those words and me actually sitting down to write them and guess what? I do not remember the words.  I sat for a few minutes trying everything possible to filter through my thoughts to recapture the words - to no avail.  The reason that this is even an issue for me is because I know my creative process and how it flows.  I willingly ignored it.

How many good ideas continue to get tossed away like that?

We get SO focused on life but ignore the 'life' that God is trying to birth through us.  We believe - or maybe it's just me, that we'll remember that dream, that idea, that vision, that answer, that task, that great strategy when we FINALLY sit down to focus on it.  It is time for us to prioritize.  How can you and I have awareness about what we are supposed to do, but never make the time to actually do it? We do not have time to waste.  It is time for US to be great.  Read that again.  Did you read it again? 

Mediocrity is not our portion in life.

I know for a fact that we have so many beautiful God-give abilities, but how intentional are we with discovering and becoming familiar with them, accepting them, moving and acting upon them?  We make way for less important activities, forsaking what's really important. 

Why do we do this?

Why do we, not only fail to take moments to pause, but pause when we need a moment?  When you pause, it doesn't mean that life stops, you are just stopping to 'tune in' to what God is speaking to you.  I want to share this next point because it has been lingering with me for a long time - it is ok to support other people, but please remember that YOU and I need to make time to do what we have been put on this earth to do.  We need to sit down, pause, retreat and listen to what God is speaking.  Even as you begin to walk in the fullness of your gifts, talents, skills and/or abilities, you may not get all of the likes that you hoped for, you may not get all of the feedback that you want, you may not even get recognized, but those are no reasons to doubt what God has called you to do.  Stay consistent.  Stay the course.  You may be different - I know that I am, and it is totally ok.  Be yourself.  Take time to do what you need to do to become your very best self.  Do not ignore yourself - this may sound paradoxical, because how can you ignore yourself when you are WITH yourself?  It's possible, trust me, I know.  We can become so caught up in the chaos, the hustle and bustle of life, succumb to the drama, overwhelmed by challenges and disappointments, entertain the gossip (yuck) and conform to what people say that - we forget about ourselves.  Don't do it. 

To wrap this up, take time to do you.  Write the vision for whatever it may be for and move the process along.  Capture the ideas and build them until you see them.  Do not wait any longer to do your part to make this world a better place.  There is an audience waiting for you.  Do not keep them waiting.  They need to see you flowing in your gifts so that they will be encouraged to embrace their own.



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