Forgiveness as DNA

I went to church this morning and during worship service, the spirit of God began to speak to me.  I recently prayed for the ability to poetically speak what God spoke to me.  My prayer was answered today. I didn't want to miss the words, so I picked up my phone and captured what I heard.  There is liberty in these words.  There is forgiveness in these words.  There is healing in these words.  There is guidance in these words.  There is protection in these words.

As you read, open your heart to attain what you need.

Father forgive them for they know not what they do.

They don't know that, because of you, I will do all that you have called me to do.

They do not know that because of my DNA, you do, you will and you have begun to show me the way that I am to take.

They do not know that your favor rest upon my life, because it's not an outward ornament, but an eternal commitment that will manifest over and over again!

They do not know that they may spend their energy plotting and planning only to have the plans foil because prospering will not commence.

They do not know that my focus is on you, because it is from you, where my helps come.

They will know that I have prayed for my enemies and that they will not block my way, my life or my flow because I am following the directions from the true leader of my life and that He lives within me, inside my being.

They will know that I have to do all things as if unto you.

They will know that I do not worry about what they can do to me, rather I focus on you!

They will know that my success will be built upon the words they speak against me, because you have shifted my perspective and their words are non binding but have become bricks for me to build with!

They will know that I am free! I only care about what you say about me!

I forgive!!! I am free! I believe God!


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