The power in POWER...

We cannot live with weakened mentalities.
We must embrace the power of our life's reality.
We have been gifted with hope to win at life.
We must unleash all of the power that is on the inside.
We cannot settle for mediocrity because it's weakness.
We have to release the hurt that prevents us from walking in peacefulness.
We must look to the hills from whence cometh out help.
We cannot think that we are to do it all for ourself.
We must see the grace that has been released from above.
We have a deluge of blessings that are designed to encapsulate us and give us, relief hugs.
We cannot yield to the idiosyncrasies of man.
We must believe that no matter what we face, WE CAN.
We have power that lives on the inside of us.
We cannot dismiss it, even if we are in a rush.
We must grab hold to the power as it is a tool to inspire.
We have the ability release the power, even when it feels like we are going to expire.
We cannot give in to the challenges of life, rather breathe in the moment.
We must exhale the stress and press forward in power to extract contentment.
We have to never quit, even when doubt yells, this is it!
We cannot quit, even when everyone is yelling, you will never win it!
We must feel the power in the POWER and lean with it and rock with it.
We have come to far to let a little irritation extinguish our power.

Tap into the power in the POWER to be ignited by the ULTIMATE POWER PROVIDER!

Be encouraged,


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