Are You Harboring Pain?
Haboring is defined as, keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly.
This definition is spot on. When you read the title of this blog and read the definition of harboring and then reread the entire title again, with understanding, your answer is either YES or NO.
Are you harboring pain, secretly?
Secretly from others, not yourself, because YOU already know about it, so it's not necessarily a secret to you.
You are working super hard to conceal the pain that you are nurturing because you are a person who is ashamed of the HOW you arrived at this point OR because you do not want others around you to know that YOU are going through. Perhaps because people have a certain perspective of you and to know that YOU are not in a position of strength would be detrimental to that perspective.
Strong people go through the trials and tribulations of life.
This is a normal reality for everyone on the planet, if we are being totally honest. The longer you fail to ask for or receive help, the longer and more comfortable you will become in concealing, suppressing, defending, putting up with and providing shelter (within) to that pain. This is not helpful to your physical self. It is not helpful to your spiritual self. It is not helpful to your emotional self.
Who are you to rob others of the opportunity to help you?
The opposite of harboring is to eject, dismiss, discard, lay bare, let go, uncover, or turn away from. If you are harboring any measure of pain, you have to do the opposite of harboring the pain.
- Pray for the strength to let it go.
- Call a friend, family member or person who you trust and tell them.
- Get a therapist.
- Read the Word of God.
- Attend a conference that focuses on the area of pain.
- Ask God to perform surgery and remove any person or situation that is causing you pain.
- Journal.
- Read scriptures that speak life to you and death to any and everything that is contending against you.
- Go on a personal retreat.
- Speak aloud affirmations, decrees and declarations over your life.
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