Do You Know What Your Name Means?

Your name means everything. It is an indicator of your life's purpose. Your name matters. Your name and its meaning, bring a significant level of self-awareness. Your name helps you to stay in alignment with God and all of the wonderful, cute, brilliant, transformational and powerful exploits that He has planned for your life. Your name even makes you aware of your fitness for battle. Yes, we do experience battles in life, but you have to remember that we fight FROM a place of victory and not FOR victory. The battle has already been won.  

Are you living up to your name or do you need a name change? 

Let's look at the Word of God, Matthew 1:21 says, "She will have a son, and you will NAME him Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins." Another way to interpret Jesus is God of Salvation because He is this. He is the door that we all must walk through in order to experience salvation. Salvation is deliverance from sin and its consequences.

Our names indicate what God wants us to do while we are in the earth. While Jesus walked and lived in the flesh, in the natural, He saved people from their sins, He did what His name said He would do and above and beyond that to the GLORY of God.

My name is Tanika. 

Tanika means, ROPE (a flexible heavy cord (ME) of tightly intertwined fiber (Psalm 139:13). I am flexible, weighty, and composed of lived experiences that allow me to connect or separate things. I am a CONNECTOR of people, specifically introducing individuals to their purpose -as God leads (John 5:30). I am a SEPARATOR or DISTRACTOR, assisting people with overcoming the challenges of life so that they are connected to their reality -as God leads (John 5:30). In battle, I connect to the ROCK that is higher than I. It is my refuge and a strong tower against my enemy. 

I inspire courage. 

I bring courage. 

I activate the courage in others. 


Who are you? 

In Hebrew, ROPE means expectation. I always have expectation. This is all that I share about my name, but my goal here is to show you that there is more to YOU than what may be on the surface. We are not just a face, we are purpose, power and designed to live the lives that our name proclaims!

This post is NOT really about me, it is written to inspire YOU to get to know YOU. Begin to do the work of self-discovery. Position yourself in your lane and run. Do not compare yourself to anyone else because YOU are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are you and I am who God says that I am. Let's walk in the fullness of the call wherewith we have been called.




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