
Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Learning to walk is a process that most have experienced. So many body parts and the responsibility to walk fell on our feet. God formed them just so to allow for standing and movement from one place to another. Never envious or allowing the thigh, knee or shins to dissuade them of their purpose, our feet walk. In their most natural state, our feet do what they were created to do.

We are influenced by many things, but our ultimate source of influence should be the Word of God. Designed in His image and likeness, our lives are to be a mirror reflection of Him.

My children love looking out the front door, not only do they love looking out the front door, but they love placing their hands, face, and mouth on the glass. This morning my little girl was watching and babbling as my son strolled to the bus. She pressed into the glass, and her fruit stained hands left a series of elegant smudges on the glass. The clear view, that the storm door window was designed to promote, is now interrupted.

What smudges hinder our ability to clearly express the image and likeness of Christ?

What choices have we yoked upon our backs that now hinder our ability to move with ease towards our God given destiny?

Let’s examine the weight of all that we are carrying and unload the heavy stuff.

The ability to reach our purpose in life resides within each of us. Are we seeking to accomplish this purpose or are we choosing to continually conform into what others suggest and recommend we become?

Let’s examine our greatest influencers and unload all that misdirects.
The more we allow the wrong things to influence us to become something we were not originally designed to be, the further away we get from our purpose.

Steer clearly.

Believe, Love & Obey God



  1. "Let’s examine the weight of all that we are carrying and unload the heavy stuff." That line really speaks to me, in the midst of unpacking everything from this past weekend. Thanks for posting this!

  2. Hi Glorygirl, absolutely! Such rich treasures deposited. I am captivated by how well, what I have 'unpacked' fits exactly into my life, I am transitioning deeper into my God given purpose with CONFIDENCE! Hugs! Thanks for stopping by. ~Tanika


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