Just a few thoughts…
1. Time is precious. Make the best of every moment. How do we achieve the best? By asking God what we are to do to ensure that our time is filled with ALL that He intended, nothing more, nothing less.
2. Being thankful that our mind is being renewed daily by the Word of God day to day is so worth rejoicing over. If our mind wasn’t being constantly renewed, we’d be victims of going nowhere sloooooowly. That wouldn’t be a fun trip now would it?
3. Speaking with my father today via telephone, he stated “people think that the grass is greener on the other side, but what they don’t realize is that, its still grass.” Thinking how right he was, I never looked at it that way. Grass, no matter what side it’s on, still has to be nurtured with water and light to grow. So, if our lives are like the grass, no matter what situation we face, we do well to give it to God because His word is water and light for every situation that concerns us, He will ensure that we grow as green and tall as we have been destined to grow in this life (Psalms 103:15 As for man, his days are as grass: as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth). If we want our grass to be nice and green, we can’t neglect it and expect it to grow.
4. There are some things that we have been called to do and NOW is the time to do them.
5. Our children are a gift from God. They are at an age where they need us to pour into them like never before; they need to know how to work their armor. Let’s teach them.
6. Fear is no longer welcomed here.
7. There are so many souls that need saving. Our lives are life rafts. When it seems like someone is sinking or drowning, availing ourselves to help save them is an option.
8. No matter what place we find ourselves in, God can tell us what we are doing there and what we are to capture from that moment. Once revealed hold on to all that is received and release it at His instructions in the thing whereto He sends you.
9. Wait on the Lord.
10. Psalm 3:5
Father God, your thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts, help us to determine our actions based on your word. Led us and guide us into all truths. Amen.
Believe, Love, & Obey God
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