The Sent Ones

*For my sisters who are serving the children of God in the nation called Africa

The moment has arrived. That 'new thing' that God has called you to do is manifesting right before our eyes. At home we pray.

With yielded hearts, minds and souls, you breathe and speak life in accordance to the Word and your God given power and authority that resides within your temples.

Showers of tears have fallen from the eyes of those who seek hope and truth. God has read the tears of His people (Psalm 56:8). Responding, He orchestrated a MOMENT, a moment that will change the lives of the 'sent ones,' who have carried the promise and those waiting and longing for their lives to be impacted by recieving the impartation of the promise.

Sent across the distant shores, to behold another facet of God's creation.

The arrival and stay will consist of an unpacking and unveiling of spiritual gifts from within the temples of the willing and obedient souls who have been called and prepared to equip the saints.

The return will yield testimonies sure to change and motivate the lives of those who hear. This orchestrated moment will bring transformation to lives for a moment called...a lifetime.

Father God we bless your name, and we thank you for ordering the steps of those you sent out to serve your people nationally and globally. May we be mindful to keep our sisters and brothers in our prayers always.

Believe, Love & Obey God



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