I'm Pregnant!!!

Thank you for coming over!

I learned months ago but decided to wait a while before making an announcement. Shock, surprise and awe lent me a bucket of lists to help out. Picking it up by the handle and glancing inside, there was a list for “who to tell,” “what to buy,” "how to prepare for arrival,” the “am I good enough list,” “the tear list,” “the happy list,” the “choose your emotion list,” and the lists went on and on.

Unable to tell exactly how it happened, I only remember His sweet voice whispering “Congratulations, its multiples.”

“What?! How am I going to care for all of them? I have so many responsibilities on my plate.”

Breath,” He said. “You don’t have to go through this alone. I have sent someone to help you through it all; they will be a comfort, help, and counselor.”

“O.K,” I said.

Relieved, I continue to dwell in His presence. "I’m so glad that He specializes in this area," I say to myself.

Time passes and marveling never ceases as the many changes occur.

At the appointed time – The ARRIVAL

The names of my sweet gifts are Potential, Purpose, Pursuit & Achievement. We stroll out into the world embracing each other and behold the beauty of His creation. We see needs in different places. They are numerous. We return to our quiet place to sit and rest.

Potential babbles, “Change is possible.”

Purpose not wanting to be left out says excitedly, “there is a resolution to all of this.”

Pursuit boldly cheers, “Let’s act now!”

Accomplishment says “don't be fearful or intimidated by what is before you. We must keep moving forward because the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. We must notify the others.”

“Who?” I ask.

Together they say, “The one reading this blog post, they are pregnant with multiples too!”

“Congratulations!” We all say to you!

Send your friends and family over so we can give them the news too.

Father God we bless your name. We thank you for the good news that we are all pregnant with Potential, Purpose, an ability to Pursue, and the ability to accomplish all that we set out to do for you. Help us through this process. We stretch our hands to you believing now that you will carry us through. We will stretch beyond ourselves to reach the goals in life that you have set in place for our hands to do. You are awesome and holy, we love you with all that is within us because you first loved us. We thank you for all of the greatness that you have placed on the inside of us. May we go out into the highways and byways to tell others about your goodness today. Amen! Hallelujah!

Believe, Love & Obey God


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