
Sitting with no words to type but the desire to share fills me internally.

I consider all of the conveniences that life has to offer yet, they bring only a temporary satisfaction. There is a service available for those who have become too busy to walk into the market to select their own fruits, vegetables or breads. Visit a site, select what you want. pay and when you pull up to the designated space, the grocer brings your bag out to your car with a smile, pushing the button, gives release to the trunk of your car, grocer loads the bags and you drive away...

What happens when you get home and you find that what you requested and paid for is not in the bag? The very thing you thought you needed is no where in sight. Disappointment comes. Do you go back or do you settle for not having received what you needed to meet your needs?

What I adore about God is that he is only a prayer away. In our time of need, there is no need to click a mouse, pick up the phone, or make a quick run to the market. We can sit in our seats, call out to him and at that very moment, He fills our life with whatever it is that we need and He does not miss a thing. He is so careful to package and deliver what we need into our spiritual shopping cart, and sometimes it can feel as if it is filled so much so that we have no room for anything else. He teaches us how to make what He has given us work in the many areas of our lives. He teaches us how to meditate and digest His word so that we get the full advantage of that in which we requested even though we may not have known that it was the very thing that we needed. He knows what we have need of before we even ask. We don't need to seek a discount for in our spirit we can receive all we want, if we make room for it. He has an abundance of treasures to share with each and everyone of us, the question is have we made room in our lives to recieve these treasures? His goodness and mercy never fail. He is a supplier of our needs. Have we captured the understanding that we do not need to stockpile His word when the storms rage because there is an endless supply of what we need available to us forever and alway? Do we know that we can call on Him to fill our spiritual shopping carts with the most nutritious and filling promises and words that could ever be spoken and pay not with cash, but with faith, trust, obedience and belief? Our cry today, Lord fill us to the point of overflow, help us to remove the garbage from our spiritual carts that we have left or that we have allowed others to leave therein. Clean us up so that we can hold every thing that you desire to place inside of us, thank you for being the only one to reign in and over our lives and we don't rust but we shine and sparkle!

Thank you for having great things in your storehouse for us to delight ourselves in.

Believe, Love & Obey God



  1. Hey, Tanika! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend! Just wanted to let you know I gave you the Liebster award on my blog today. No pressure at all to link up....none....just wanted to send some of my readers to your beautiful words of truth! Have a great weekend!


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