New Growth

My goal is not to always share my hesitations with the topics of my post, BUT for this one in particular - I was hesitant, however, I surmise that it has purpose because of the influx of words that are keeping me awake, at this very moment. 

I want to sleep, so let me share this quickly. 

Growth is necessary.  In order to experience better, one must prepare and position themselves to grow - mind, body, and soul. 

As you put a demand on life to support your growth - meaning, you want to grow and you are consciously exerting energy to do so - thriving has to come forth. The more intense, intentional, and passionate your desire, the more you will grow! There has to be a willingness, life will give you what you demand of it, be it negative or positive. Feed and search for the good.

I am sorry to say that FAILURE TO THRIVE is occurring in the lives of some adults. We have to be ever changing and growing.  A stunting of growth has manifested in the lives of some. When you are feeling too comfortable, for too long, blind to purpose, not interested in thinking or living outside the box, sitting in the shade looking for more shade, lacking any measure of preparedness for anything, constantly justifying your immobility and lack of success by blaming others, not going anywhere fast or slow...stunted. This needs to be dealt with and immediately. Why? Because time waits for no one. If one finds themselves trapped in a time warp, unable to yield vital results, or move beyond the slump - help is needed. I have submitted this post to push you into reality, to place a demand on your life to PRODUCE, and to come out of that low place in the name of Jesus! 

Grow, Break forth and be free, now!

Believe, Love, & Obey God.

Happy New Year!


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