When all that remains...

When all that remains after the shaking is truth and revelation
Purge your mind free of all that it wants to be engaged in
The mind is a powerful tool and it can run wild unless made to rest 
God will blow away the residue and reveal what belongs exclusively to you, its true
Be it your sanity, your heartbeat, your breath, your love of self, your resilience, your peace, your joy -these are all things that we need
Hard things occur in life and will happen, but life also has to yield forth blessings and happy moments, don't miss them
Be carried by truth and full confidence in your ability to do all that God has called you to do
Take time to recover, reflect and heal but know that you must get up from your here
There is more for you and you have the capacity to embrace and receive it
Be content with what remains after the shaking, see the new blessings and opportunities that are awaiting.
Read Psalm 77:18
Sweet blessings,


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