What are you looking at?
This isn't for everyone.
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
We have to go deeper, there is more to see and know, but it will not be realized at first glance. Not only do we need to look, we need to DIG. We must stop settling for less than, when God has greater for us. We must be willing to get our hands dirty. We must not be comfortable with surface knowledge. Information and how to utilize it doesn't come with instructions, the value and understanding of it will be determined by your BOLDNESS to put it into action.
Stop taking everything at face value, yes, I said it. A couple of months ago, the Lord spoke to me and said, behind every mask, is a face. At first, I was like...ok... but by and by, I began to see the reality of this statement. Everything that we see, think, feel and believe, may not be true that's why we need to delve a little deeper. Want to know if people are genuine and authentic? Wait. Eventually the truth of who they are will begin to peek from behind the mask. Want to know if you are supposed to participate in something? Instead of saying yes right away, pray and ask God. Do not immediately say yes. Wait. Want to know if that job is for you? Ask questions? Does it align with your professional goals and personal interest or are you only focused on the increase of finances? Want to know if you are supposed to write the book? Are words constantly dropping in your mind and spirit? Do you believe that you have something important to say that can help other people? Want to know if you are supposed to move? Why do you want to move? Want to know if you are supposed to go this way or that way? Wait. Have an idea that you want to share? Are you sensitive to the timing and with whom you are supposed to be sharing it with. Everything isn't for everyone to hear.
You see, the first thing we always see is, what's in the foreground, but the background is VERY revealing.
Background is defined as, the area or scenery behind the main object of contemplation, especially when perceived as a framework for it.
Foreground is defined as, the part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in a picture or photograph.
When we understand the background, the history and the context in which things are being delivered, we can see what it is made up of. The enemy is deceitful and will TRICK YOU. WE have ALL fallen for his tricks at some point, you don't have to raise your hand, but God wants you to look a little deeper and find out the background on things before you commit to them, everything that looks good, ain't good.
We have become very adept at wearing mask, some people do not care and will tell you their true intentions. Situations that are not good for you, will yield caution flags, watch them and make sure you are doing what you are supposed to do.
Watch what you begin to long for and if you are longing for the wrong thing, ask God to shield you and help you in your weakness. He cares for you and is very concerned about you. He will not lead you astray and He will pick you up and make sure you are looking at the right thing. Bless God for discernment. We need to see what He wants us to see, not what's going around pretending to be truth.
Prayer: Father, help us to see the truth and not be deceived. Let us not get in such a rush or desire things that are not from you. Give us clarity of sight and the boldness to turn away from that which does not glorify you. Amen.
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