"Don't rush, take your time."
"Don't rush, take your time." These words were spoken to me by my daughter tonight as I sat at the table eating dinner. She left her book bag in my vehicle and wanted me to review some school work that she brought home. I was very tired and of all my children, she is very sensitive to this. She handles me very gently and I appreciate this. I told her that I would get her book bag from the car before bed and she said, "don't rush, take your time." I stopped my fork midway between my plate and mouth and soaked the words in. From the mouth of babes - I was motivated to slow down.
How busy have we become in life, scoffing our food down, running from one meeting to the next, taking every call, trying to be everything to everyone, keeping up with all the goings on, rushing here there and everywhere and really needing to just, not rush but take YOUR time. Yes, God gave us 24 hours in a day and we use it up doing everything besides relaxing and allowing God to restore us. I do not know about you but I want to learn how to streamline my life, be effective, be efficient, be discipline, manage my time wisely, purge my mind of information and images that do not serve me - so much. The word turns on its axis, but some of us have grown too busy and moving so fast that we are outpacing our day. I will let that sit there.
Psalm 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
Have you ever seen green pastures or listened to the still waters? Oftentimes we are moving too fast and we can't tell you about either. This is not a place that we should avoid or abandon, rather find ourselves soaking in the places where God is.
What does your agenda look like each day? Have you made time for God, yourself, your loved ones?
"Don't rush, take your time," when was the last time you heard that statement and the speaker TRULY meant it? I know that the little person who spoke this to me, meant it. I am still taking my time, as she sleeps - but I have to go and get the book bag, so that I will be able to give her good feedback when she requests it in the morning. God gives us time to process what He requests and speaks to us. We do well to take this time to ensure we make good decisions.
Slow down.
I pray that this speaks to you.
Sweet blessings,
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