Face it...

Have you ever found yourself standing face to face with a mountain?

Every aspect of life can be sunny, but there is often present a mass (a body of coherent matter, usually of indefinite shape and often of considerable size) of sorts that refuses to move from your pathway until, you face it.  There is newness behind the mountains but in order to see and experience it, the mountain (issues of life) will need to be moved.

God has given us hands to do all of which we need to do.  He has endowed us with strength to work where we are supposed to.  He has blessed us with purpose.  He has given us a helper. He gives us wisdom, strategy and insight.

Let me give you a little bit of context.  Three years ago, I traveled to New York for an event where I had an opportunity to share the vision that God had given me for ministry.  I remember using the following words, authentic, true, vital and significant.  Today, as I find myself in a posture of refinement, these words are in action and are the impetus or driving force of my process. I am in a season of refining.  It's irritating at times, however, I know that it is necessary. 

As we live, we will change.  The bible says, in 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  I have read this scripture many times.  Today, I understand that as a new creature, I am tasked with the responsibility of exploring the things about me that have become new. This newness is not an instantaneous discovery ,as we would think, but one in which is unfolding as we live life consciously and cognizant of the power and truth within this scripture. 

We do not discover ourselves fully in one moment.  We discover who we are as we experience seasons, celebratory or sad moments, during trials, tribulations and testings delivered to us by life. As long as we live, we are going to have to face something and either it will change us in some capacity.  We can not run from it because it will still exist and I believe that the presence of it will still usurp our time, effort, energy and attention as long as we fail to deal with it. 

Purposing within ourselves to face whatever is before us, will help us navigate the terrain of life.  It is a beautiful journey.  There is a wealth of experiencing to behold.  Do not allow fear, stress, comfort-ability, laziness, procrastination, superficiality, pseudo-confidence to discourage you.  When you arrive at the mountain, do not turn your back to it, face it. 

If you turn your back, the mountain will always follow you, it will appear in every moment of your life, it will appear bigger than you, it will continue to try and overwhelm you and this is not what you want.  Face it and deconstruct it with your faith.  Behind the mountain is treasure and an unveiling of newness that you are to explore and receive as your own.  Let nothing stop you from becoming you. 

Psalm 89:13 You have a mighty arm; strong is your hand, high your right hand.

Believe God,


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