This week I will highlight a few individuals that demonstrate GREAT faith in their lives. I pray that as you learn more about these FAITHPRENUERS you are blessedencouraged and inspired to embrace all that God has called you to do, with FAITH. I consider myself tremendously BLESSED to be connected with so many wonderful individuals. Feel free to comment or ask any questions - we are happy to respond. 

(As you read) I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. (Philemon 1:6, NIV)

Tell us your name and what God-give superpower you operate in within the earth.

My name is Simone Gardner. My God-given superpower is to Empower, Educate, Educate and inspire others to live out their God-give purpose and to employ the gifts God has given them. My assignment is to love, lead and serve.

How does your faith collide with being an entrepreneur?

It is because of my faith that I am an entrepreneur. It is because of my faith that I am ABLE to be an entrepreneur. I didn't CHOOSE to be an entrepreneur, I was born an entrepreneur. Being an entrepreneur hasn't always meant I received consistent income, so it has been by faith that I continue to trust and depend on God for provision.

How do you rise when you experience challenges to progress?

Rising doesn't always look like what we think it looks like. Sometimes it's just getting up and getting dressed everyday; and do what we are called to do. Society and sometimes the church has taught us that fighting is us being in Superman or Wonder Woman mode, and I think that has caused damage to people's self-esteem, because if you're not in those movie scripted modes then you may feel like a failure, or like you are not doing enough. Rising up in God's strength often is a gentle nudge saying, one day at a time- "YOU GOT THIS". Don't be deceived, pushing through challenges is not what is shown on social media, but IT IS magnified in the Face and Presence of God. It's in HIS strength that we conquer and overcome. David didn't conquer Goliath in his strength, it was IN GOD'S STRENGTH and by HIS POWER AND BY HIS MIGHT.

Do you have a Coach or Mentor? If so, how has this helped you to become who you are today?

I do not have a mentor or coach. The reason is for another day..LOL.

What life advice would you like to share with our readers?

To follow your passion and your purpose.  I hear a lot that your passion may not equal your purpose. I disagree with that, because the Bible says he GIVES us the desires of our hearts. I believe God puts desires and passions inside of us for us to pursue His WILL for our lives so that His covenant be established here in the earth. I would admonish them not to look to the world's ways of doing things. The statement "being realistic" and Faith don't go together. Because Faith doesn't always LOOK "realistic" to the natural eye. I would encourage them to pursue God's WILL for their lives and not their own. It is only in doing what He has called us to do, the way He has called us to do it, will we prosper the Kingdom Way. Doing things His Way is the Only Way to do it. "It's going to be done God's Way, or it's Going to be Done God's Way. My motto is; Grace over Grind. Grinding and Hustling are nowhere in the Bible. Do it HIS WAY and HIS WAY ONLY. 

I encourage them not to allow their fear of someone else's limitations to limit them. I have spoken to several groups on living in faith, and there's always been this one person (a minister of The Gospel) who is in attendance, and the person always seems to interject, "we have to be realistic", or some statement that speaks to their limiting belief. I have had to spiritually fight to get the atmosphere back to an atmosphere of feeding our faith. Living in faith has not been an easy journey and it certainly has not been financially lucrative YET, but since I live by The Word of God, I know that I will prevail and prosper. 

I encourage them to be steadfast and unmovable, even when things don't look like they are working out because, "It doesn't have to LOOK like its coming together for IT to come together."

Wooooooooo! Simone! Your words are igniting to me as a reader! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I often find myself repeating that last statement in many situations of life. Thank you for your LIVELY, Faith elevating words. ~Tanika


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