This week I will highlight a few individuals that demonstrate GREAT faith in their lives. I pray that as you learn more about these FAITHPRENUERS you are blessed, encouraged and inspired to embrace all that God has called you to do, with FAITH. I consider myself tremendously BLESSED to be connected with so many wonderful individuals. Feel free to comment or ask any questions - we are happy to respond.
(As you read) I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. (Philemon 1:6, NIV)
Tell us your name and what God-given superpower you operate within the earth.
My name is Farron Floyd and I'm a visual artist and poet. I have the God-given superpower of creating visual works of the heart. I bring divine concepts and ideas to life on canvas and through spoken word.
How does your faith collide with being an entrepreneur?
My faith in God is the foundation on which I stand, daily, as I share my gift with the world. It is my unshakable faith that allows me to push forward as an entrepreneur when people, circumstances, and conditions suggest that I quit or shrink back. For me, faith is what drives out fear of failure, rejection, and self-doubt. There is just a "KNOWING", at the core of my being, that I am so beautifully and uniquely made in the image of the supreme creator that gives me confidence to keep walking and trusting that all things are working for my good.
How do you rise when you experience challenges to progress?
I simply remember on truth! That one truth is that God dwells inside of me so wherever I am God is there also and I call on the Holy Sprit for guidance, comfort, strength, understanding, and wisdom through prayer. I get still and listen for direction through meditation. I also try to remember to give myself grace and practice having patience with myself and my process. I remember to celebrate even the smallest of accomplishments because it boosts my self-esteem and confidence and these are pre-requisites for momentum and success.
Do you have a Coach or Mentor? If so, how has this helped you to become who you are today?
Yes I have a couple of mentors. Having mentors has provided me with a blue-print, you could say, on how to navigate entrepreneurship and life in general. Having them as reliable resources has kept me encouraged and on track. The tenacity that I have at this point in my career is a result of having mentors.
What life advice would you like to share with our readers?
Do what you love and do it as often as you can without worry or concern of monetary gain. Do it because its' what brings you joy and contentment. Then share it with others if or when you can. Share it with the hope that it will bring them the same joy and contentment that brings you and everything else will fall into place. Giving without the expectation of receiving is called service and service is the ultimate multiplier.
Farron, oh my goodness, how sweet and blessed are your words! You have a beautiful heart and it is obvious that is overflowing with faith. Thank you for pouring these LIFE WORDS into our lives. ~Tanika
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