It's Time To GET UP...

The Lord our God said to us at Horeb, “You have stayed long enough at this mountain." Deuteronomy 1:6. Horeb comes from a Hebrew term meaning “desert.”

Have you ever been in a desert place? You know the characteristics of the desert, right? It's a pretty DRY (uninspiring) place, very little rain (void of refreshing) falls and barely any growth (no productivity) taking place. 

Have you ever seen a mountain? It's high and rocky. The terrain can be super unfriendly and intimidating. It blocks our pathway. You ever found yourself on the way to a place and then became stuck? How long did you stay there? Are you still there?

It's TIME TO GET UP, you have been at this deserted, empty, dry place (mountain) too long. You have stayed here, slept here, cried here, wasted time here, overanalyzed here, almost died here - waiting for the mountain to move, for the rain to come, for something of substance to appear and. it. has. not. appeared. AND. It. Is. NOT. GOING. TO. 

Ain't nothing happening and ain't nothing changing. However, YOU can change. YOU can shift. YOU can move. YOU can start over again. YOU can believe again. YOU can reclaim your life. YOU can be who you know that God has called you to be.


God will move mountains, He can move any mountain that He pleases, however, we need to be adept at recognizing, when we want the mountain to move, versus if God wants this mountain moved, at all. Is the mountain meant to be moved or is this an indication that YOU need to GET FROM WAY FROM ROUND HERE? 

Maybe the mountain isn't moving because God doesn't want the mountain moved. Maybe it's His loving re-direction? Proverbs 20:24 -A person's steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way? 

Simply put, that person or situation isn't changing because it isn't meant to be changed FOR YOU. All the while you are kicking, screaming and waiting, perhaps YOU need to move? 

So, stop waiting on the mountain to move and GET UP and start moving. 


1.     There is work for you to do over there, yes over theeerrreee --->.

2.     There are places where you are to go to, people for you to meet and situations requiring your gifts, skills and talents.

3.     There is an abundance of rain falling OVER THERE, not over here, at this mountain.

4.     There is no progress in stagnation.

5.     There is no productivity in procrastination. 

Move out, before you dry out.

Be free,



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